A credit union’s website, like any financial institution’s, aims to provide clear information about its products, services, and commitment to enhancing clients’ financial well-being. It emphasizes the advantages of banking with the credit union over other financial institutions and underscores the importance of where one banks.
The Userlytics team was called upon to delve deeper into what users prioritize when deciding where to bank.

The Challenge
A Canadian credit union sought to refine its membership acquisition strategies. They wanted to ensure that the information presented to potential users was clear, comprehensive, and compelling.
We analyzed the entire prospect journey, starting from the digital ad to the website landing page and the membership sign-up page, all critical in securing new memberships. Our objective was to identify UX design issues along the journey, understand user expectations, and pinpoint missing UX elements.

The Approach
We recruited testers from across Canada using the Userlytics platform and presented them with the prospect journey.
Our UX evaluation extended beyond content, layout, and text, to assess the functionality of key elements and users’ comprehension of various calls to action. We also gathered insights into users’ expectations and preferences regarding the provided information.

The Insights
Overall, users had positive impressions of the credit union’s website, praising its organization, clarity, and user-friendliness. However, several user experience issues emerged when examining the prospect journey.
Some users found discrepancies between the initial ad they clicked on and the landing page, expecting more focus on financial advice. They anticipated information on the differences between credit unions and banks and why joining a credit union, particularly this one, would be advantageous.
The section on financial advice failed to engage most users, with some finding it unhelpful and disliking the accompanying image.
Confusion arose among users regarding the “Become A Member” and “Open an Account Online” buttons, as they didn’t realize both options led to the same sign-up process. This lack of clarity was especially prevalent among users less familiar with how credit unions work.
On the sign-up page, the purpose and details of the Membership Equity Fee were unclear, prompting requests for more information. Users also felt overwhelmed by unfamiliar terms and processes, such as credit checks and deposit requirements, without adequate explanations.
Overall, UX testers felt that insufficient information was provided in this specific journey, leading to hesitancy in joining the credit union.
***The Userlytics platform is a catalyst of ux testing and accessibility testing, and the platform continues to help organizations become compliant with accessibility standards, curating an inclusive and diverse user experience for all digital assets. Reach out to us today to support you on UX testing journey***