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Biases in UX Research

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Biases in UX Research

In this episode, Sarita walks us through the ever-important topic of biases in UX research. We go deep into how insight validity and reliability are at stake if we can’t learn to acknowledge or become aware of the many biases that exist! From discussing the most prominent types to providing tips on how to overcome them and mitigating stakeholder bias in their own research, this episode is a must-listen, regardless of where you are in your UX journey.

Biases in UX Research

Key points

  • Recognize you will never eliminate all biases, there are simply too many
  • Awareness is the most critical step in mitigating bias
  • Ensure your testing and results going through partner-review process
  • Leverage external support to help remove biases in both design and research
  • The more layers of data you have, the more validity and integrity your results will have
  • Learn to rely on technology that can help eliminate bias

User research can be distorted by cognitive biases, resulting in design alterations that fail to meet your customers’ actual needs. Learn about how to develop digital products that resonate with users by addressing and mitigating the most prevalent biases. More in this insightful article by trusted talent marketplace, Toptal: How to Avoid 5 Types of Cognitive Bias in User Research.

About the Author: Nicholas Aramouni

Nicholas Aramouni

Nicholas Aramouni is a Senior UX Researcher and Communications Manager who has developed his qualitative and quantitative knowledge by working within a variety of industries, including music entertainment, media, technology and education. Across his career, Nick has conducted numerous international studies in countries all around the globe, placing importance on developing international partnerships as a means of better understanding the various cultures and markets that push UX researchers further. Nicholas has enhanced his involvement in UX by also working as a marketing content strategist and speaker in the field. He has proudly completed a B.A in Policy Studies, a minor in Business Innovation and a B.A in Education.

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Audio Credits: QubeSounds- Abstract Fashion Pop.

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Biases can inadvertently influence UX research, potentially leading to skewed results and inaccurate insights. Some common biases in UX research include: Confirmation bias: Researchers may unintentionally seek out or interpret data that confirms their preconceived notions or hypotheses, disregarding contradictory evidence. Sampling bias: When the participant pool is not representative of the target user group, the findings may not accurately reflect the broader user population.Observer bias: Researchers’ subjective interpretations and expectations can influence their observations and analysis of user behavior, leading to biased conclusions. Hawthorne effect: Participants may alter their behavior in a research setting due to the awareness of being observed, resulting in data that does not truly represent their natural user experience. Cultural bias: Cultural and contextual factors can impact user behavior and perception. Failing to account for these differences can introduce biases in the research findings. Recall bias: Participants’ ability to accurately recall their experiences may be influenced by memory biases, leading to unreliable or distorted information.To mitigate biases, UX researchers can employ various strategies such as using diverse and representative participant samples, employing multiple researchers for data analysis, maintaining a neutral and open mindset, and actively seeking contradictory evidence to challenge assumptions. Biases in User research. Biases in User research

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